Strategic plan
The City of Carlsbad operates on a July to June fiscal year. The city budget has three main sections, the Operating Budget, which covers the day to day work of the city, like providing police and fire services, libraries, parks and recreation, and other core services; the plan for investing in digital infrastructure; and the Capital Improvement Program, which covers major construction projects.

Setting priorities

The annual budget includes work plans and resources to accomplish the goals in the City Council's 5-Year Strategic Plan. The plan includes five main goals that reflect the values most important to the Carlsbad Community. The city also gathers input throughout the year at meetings, workshops, online surveys and more. Share your feedback anytime via email.

Strategic plan 


Park Drive slope and drainage construction

Post Date:06/17/2024 4:50 PM

The City of Carlsbad will be improving public safety and access along Park Drive near Marina Drive starting in June. Residents can expect to see construction equipment staged nearby the week of June 17 and construction beginning the week of June 25.

The project consists of:

  • Improving the hillside stability and drainage in the area
  • Building a new retaining wall
  • Installing a new pedestrian crossing with rapid flashing beacons at Marina Drive
  • After the hillside work is done, it’ll be replanted with native plants

Construction timeline

  • June 2024 – January 2025
  • Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

What to expect

  • Traffic control will be in place for lane closures, but traffic and residential access to driveways will be maintained at all times during construction.
  • The north side sidewalk will be closed. Please use the south side sidewalk.
  • Street parking will be restricted in some parts. Please follow the posted “no parking” signs.
  • There will be construction noise from the equipment and activities. Crews will work to minimize impacts to the extent possible.

Thank you in advance for your patience during construction. Please share the road and use caution in the work area.

*Schedule may change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances

More information


On-site contact
Jason Merritt, Wright Construction Engineering Corp


City of Carlsbad
Construction Management & Inspection


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