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In 2015, the City of Carlsbad was one of the first cities in the county to adopt a qualified Climate Action Plan, or CAP, that outlined strategies and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or GHG. Since then, communitywide GHG inventories and statewide targets have been updated, presenting the opportunity for the city to update its Climate Action Plan and further pursue the community’s goal of promoting a sustainable environment.

Climate Action Plan Update

In early 2022, the city sought public input on environmental sustainability needs and priorities to help shape the Climate Action Plan Update. This feedback was used to develop a list of proposed actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which was then shared with the public for additional feedback in fall 2023.

Explore the public input report to see key themes and feedback from both phases of public engagement.

The feedback gathered informed the draft Climate Action Plan Update, which is scheduled to be presented to the Planning Commission in September. City staff will then present the draft Climate Action Plan Update to the City Council for approval later in the fall.

Draft documents
Draft Climate Action Plan Update - July 2024
Executive summary (English)
Executive summary (Spanish) / Resumen ejecutivo (Español)
CEQA addendum to the Housing Element

Review the draft update and submit comments to Katie Hentrich at katie.hentrich@carlsbadca.gov by Aug. 16 for comments to be included in the staff report for the Planning Commission meeting in September.

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