Strategic plan
The City of Carlsbad operates on a July to June fiscal year. The city budget has three main sections, the Operating Budget, which covers the day to day work of the city, like providing police and fire services, libraries, parks and recreation, and other core services; the plan for investing in digital infrastructure; and the Capital Improvement Program, which covers major construction projects.

Setting priorities

The annual budget includes work plans and resources to accomplish the goals in the City Council's 5-Year Strategic Plan. The plan includes five main goals that reflect the values most important to the Carlsbad Community. The city also gathers input throughout the year at meetings, workshops, online surveys and more. Share your feedback anytime via email.

Strategic plan 


We are getting started! Come to an informational meeting

Post Date:08/11/2021
The first public meetings for the City Council redistricting process have been scheduled, starting later this month. These informational webinars will provide an overview of redistricting, the steps in the process, how to participate and the basics of map-making. All meetings will be from 6 to 7 p.m.
Click on the links below to sign up. If you prefer to watch a live stream instead, it will be available on the city's website.
Each meeting will cover the same information. You are encouraged to attend the meeting for the district where you live, but all members of the public are welcome to attend any of the meetings.
The meetings will be held as Zoom webinars.
  • You will have a chance to ask questions and provide any initial feedback you may have.
  • Once these meetings are done, we'll put out our first survey, asking you to define your own neighborhood boundaries or any other "communities of interest" you think should stay in the same district.
*The Aug. 4 "Save the Date" email listed these dates incorrectly. The dates here are correct.


What's next?
Carlsbad is going beyond state requirements for public input and providing multiple ways to learn about the process and share your feedback. In addition to the opportunities below, all meetings of the city’s Independent Redistricting Commission are open to the public and provide an opportunity for public comments. See full-size public input timeline.

Where are the districts today?
The City of Carlsbad only just recently made the switch to electing City Council members by district. This means you might not know what the district boundaries are today. The map below shows an overview. You can visit this online map to zoom in for more detail.

Questions & Answers

Why are we doing this?
When does it have to be done?
How can I create a map?
For more information and to review answers to frequently asked questions, see the city's recently updated redistricting page.
If you have questions we haven't yet addressed, email us at redistricting@carlsbadca.gov.

More information 
Contact the City Clerk’s Office at 760-434-2808 or redistricting@carlsbadca.gov

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