city design standards - shop fronts
city design standards - bay window
city design standards - urban courtyard
city design standards - balcony
city design standards - transitions
city design standards - planters
city design standards - courtyard building
city design standards - pedestrian scale
city design standards - flex loft
city design standards - stoop
city design standards - forecourt

At a glance 

  • Help strengthen local control over design of future multifamily and mixed-use projects.
  • Due to new state housing laws and a shortage of housing in California, the state requires cities to streamline the approval process for certain kinds of housing projects and cities have less control over how many new apartments and condos can be built and when. 
  • The city has created objective design standards for multifamily and mixed-use projects in Carlsbad as one way the city can retain some control over new development and streamline the city's permitting process to comply with new state laws.
  • This project does not include the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, which is being addressed in a separate project.
  • The projects do not include changes to existing development standards such as building heights, density or setbacks. It also does not apply to single-family or two-family residential development. It will only apply to future multifamily and mixed-use projects.

Citywide objective design standards FAQs

Objective design standards
What are objective design standards?