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This page highlights some of the major construction projects happening in Carlsbad. It does not include projects from non-city utilities and private development. See the look ahead map.

Because construction work is very dynamic, schedules can change for a wide variety of reasons, such as weather, availability of supplies and other factors.  If we expect a project to have a significant impact, we typically notify those in the immediate vicinity 72 hours in advance.

For projects along major roadways, you can look for digital message boards for notices about upcoming work that could cause delays or detours. 

Although construction can cause temporary inconveniences, the good news is that we’re maintaining and improving our infrastructure year-round, and by keeping things up to date, we save money in the long run by avoiding emergency repairs. Regular maintenance also helps ensure you don’t experience a last-minute water shut off or road closure.

Highlighted streets projects

Highlighted water/wastewater/drainage projects

15-year project plan

The city's Capital Improvements Program maps out major projects and how they will be funded. Each year, the City Council approves this plan along with the city budget. See project map.


CIP dashboard

    Maintaining water supply

    Post Date:03/04/2024 9:08 AM

    Being brilliant at the basics is a key element of the City Council’s 5-Year Strategic Plan. It’s hard to think of something more basic than making sure when you turn on the faucet, water comes out, just like you expect.

    Everyone knows about faucets and pipes, but there is another key piece of infrastructure that makes all this possible.

    • Throughout the city we have 70 pressure reducing stations.
    • This equipment makes sure water doesn’t enter your home at too high a pressure, which would be hard on your pipes and give you quite a surprise when you turn on the tap.
    • These stations and their connected pipes are mostly underground.
    • Keeping them in good condition is crucial for a reliable and efficient drinking water system. 

    Our latest project focuses on four of these stations, including two on El Fuerte Street where a new station is now being built and another one is being improved. Next, construction is expected to start in April at our Melrose Drive and Poinsettia Lane station and in May at our station on Palomar Airport Road, east of College Boulevard.

    Pressure reducing stations map

    This type of work is noisy and can affect traffic, so please be patient and use caution when driving, biking or walking near the construction zones.

    Learn more.

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