By establishing a standing City Council Legislative Subcommittee, the city has significantly enhanced its capacity to monitor, analyze and respond to a steadily increasing stream of new legislation and an increasingly complex network of relationships existing among governmental agencies at the federal, state and local level.

The subcommittee works in coordination with the Intergovernmental Affairs Director, City Manager’s Office, City Attorney’s Office, city departments, legislative consultants and the Carlsbad community to:

  • Advise the City Council on intergovernmental and legislative matters affecting the city;
  • Monitor and recommend advocacy positions on state and federal proposed legislation;
  • Identify local and regional legislative needs; and
  • Engage and inform the community on intergovernmental and legislative matters affecting the city.

Resolution establishing the committee.
2024 legislative platform
Current positions on proposed legislation


Melanie Burkholder, City Council Member, District 1
Teresa Acosta, City Council Member, District 4 


Watch meetings
Past materials Past meetings


Agendas and meeting materials

How to participate

Legislative Subcommittee meetings can be watched on the city website.

Comment in person

  • Fill out a speaker request form, located in the foyer.
  • Submit the form to the Clerk before the item begins.
  • When it’s your turn, the Clerk will call your name and invite you to the podium.
  • Speakers have three minutes, unless the presiding officer changes that time.
  • You may not give your time to another person, but can create a group. A group must select a single speaker as long as three other members of your group are present. All forms must be submitted to the Clerk before the item begins and will only be accepted for items listed on the agenda (not for general public comment at the beginning of the meeting). Group representatives have 10 minutes unless that time is changed by the presiding officer or the City Council.

Comment in writing

  • If you wish to provide written comments as part of the record, e-mail your comments to Please indicate the agenda item number in your e-mail subject line.
  • Emails received by 5 p.m. the day prior to the meeting will be provided to the Legislative Subcommittee Meeting prior to the start of the meeting.
  • Other comments will be included with the meeting record. Emailed comments will not be read out loud during the meeting.


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