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This page highlights some of the major construction projects happening in Carlsbad. It does not include projects from non-city utilities and private development. See the look ahead map.

Because construction work is very dynamic, schedules can change for a wide variety of reasons, such as weather, availability of supplies and other factors.  If we expect a project to have a significant impact, we typically notify those in the immediate vicinity 72 hours in advance.

For projects along major roadways, you can look for digital message boards for notices about upcoming work that could cause delays or detours. 

Although construction can cause temporary inconveniences, the good news is that we’re maintaining and improving our infrastructure year-round, and by keeping things up to date, we save money in the long run by avoiding emergency repairs. Regular maintenance also helps ensure you don’t experience a last-minute water shut off or road closure.

Highlighted streets projects

Highlighted water/wastewater/drainage projects

15-year project plan

The city's Capital Improvements Program maps out major projects and how they will be funded. Each year, the City Council approves this plan along with the city budget. See project map.


CIP dashboard

    Explaining the green paint

    Post Date:01/12/2024 12:59 PM

    It’s easy being green
    Continuing with some quick tutorials on new striping on Carlsbad streets, here’s a focus on green paint. The City of Carlsbad has added green paint in areas where bikes and cars are mostly likely to cross paths.

    Green paint does not change the rules of the road; it is used to make drivers and bicyclists more aware of each other as they share the road.

    Here is an overview of why green paint is used on our website, and here are a couple of specific examples:

    Striping 1

    Can you drive in the dashed green paint area?

    • Yes! The dashed green paint just highlights areas where bicyclists and drivers are likely to cross paths, such as approaching intersections where you can turn right.
    • Drivers must yield to bicyclists before driving across the dashed paint and make their right turn from as far right as possible. Doing so helps prevent a collision called the "right hook" when a car makes a right turn in front of a bicyclist. The video below shows how that can happen:

    Striping 2  

    What does the solid green bike lane mean?

    • This area is for bikes and shouldn’t be crossed, except to enter a driveway.
    • You’ll likely see a solid green bike lane when there’s a designated right turn lane for cars available.
    • Enter the right turn lane in the dashed green area, which may be earlier than you think.  

    Striping 4

    Who chooses what color green?
    Some people have noticed that the color of the green bike lanes has changed. Here’s why:

    • During the traffic emergency, we did not have as many options readily available and tried a few different shades of green paint on our roadways.
    • The brighter green you’re seeing more recently is now our standard because it’s easier to see and brings more attention to those areas.

    All of these new markings on our roadways are designed to improve traffic safety for everyone. What other street markings are you seeing and want us to explain? Let us know.

    Construction map
    City crews are continuing to do road work across Carlsbad, including some remaining restriping. Remember, our construction map is updated every week to show where many city-construction projects are taking place so you can plan ahead and consider an alternate route.

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