Carlsbad works slideshow banner

This page highlights some of the major construction projects happening in Carlsbad. It does not include projects from non-city utilities and private development. See the look ahead map.

Because construction work is very dynamic, schedules can change for a wide variety of reasons, such as weather, availability of supplies and other factors.  If we expect a project to have a significant impact, we typically notify those in the immediate vicinity 72 hours in advance.

For projects along major roadways, you can look for digital message boards for notices about upcoming work that could cause delays or detours. 

Although construction can cause temporary inconveniences, the good news is that we’re maintaining and improving our infrastructure year-round, and by keeping things up to date, we save money in the long run by avoiding emergency repairs. Regular maintenance also helps ensure you don’t experience a last-minute water shut off or road closure.

Highlighted streets projects

Highlighted water/wastewater/drainage projects

15-year project plan

The city's Capital Improvements Program maps out major projects and how they will be funded. Each year, the City Council approves this plan along with the city budget. See project map.


CIP dashboard

    Smart water use

    Post Date:02/23/2024 9:24 AM

    Smart water use as important as ever, even after heavy rains

    Whenever we see significant rain here in Carlsbad, it’s usually followed by someone saying, “well, we need the water.” While we do always need more water, rain falling in Carlsbad doesn’t have as significant of an effect on our long-term water reliability as you might think.

    • One reason is that although some rain goes into local reservoirs, most of the rainfall runs off into the ocean. The good news is that reservoirs statewide are above average for this time of year.
    • Another reason local rainfall isn’t going to solve our water supply challenges is that most of our water supply comes from Northern California and the Colorado River.
    • Finally, the amount of snow north of us makes a big difference. You can see from the map below that even though there has been a lot of rain, snow levels are still below normal (you can look at this animation on the NASA website to see how the snowpack changes over the years).


    Carlsbad city leaders have long been actively involved in water issues, recognizing the critical link between a reliable water supply and our quality of life and economy.

    • Starting about 25 years ago, we were heavily involved in making the desalination plant a reality, which today provides about 10% of the region’s water supply.
    • The plant is the result of a public-private partnership: a private company owns the plant, and the San Diego County Water Authority distributes the water.

    Recycled water is another area where Carlsbad has been a leader.

    • Last year, we delivered 1.1 billion gallons of recycled water to customers like HOAs, golf courses and others who need water for non-drinking purposes.
    • Each gallon of recycled water used saves a gallon of drinking water.
    • We deliver more recycled water per capita than any other city in our region except for San Diego.

    Expanding the recycled water system

    If you’ve been near Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road recently, you’ve likely seen some construction activity. This is a new recycled water reservoir tank that will support our ongoing recycled water operations.

    Learn more about how we use recycled water.

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