KC neighborhood (77)
Housing Plan update landing page slideshow

At a glance

  • Since 1969, California law has required that all cities and counties demonstrate how they will meet the housing needs of everyone in the community.
  • Every eight years, the state, via our regional association of governments, tells cities how many homes they must plan for to accommodate people of varying income levels.
  • The state approved Carlsbad's housing plan, known as the housing element in July 2021, which details how Carlsbad will accommodate projected housing needs through 2029.
  • In addition to updating city housing policies, Carlsbad was required to designate space for about 3,900 new housing units, of which about 2,100 units need to be affordable for people with lower incomes.
  • On Jan. 30, 2024 the City Council voted to approve the rezoning of 16 properties around Carlsbad to meet state requirements. This action will help the city maintain control over where future housing could be built in the city and at what density.
  • The City Council's action did not approve any specific projects and the city does not build housing. Property owners would decide whether to build housing on these sites and when.
    Sites approved for new zoning
    Environmental impact report
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