It's always important to save water in our dry climate, and Carlsbad has long been a leader in water conservation, desalination and recycled water. If you're looking for more ways to save, these resources can help you get started.

Water-smart Art Contest

Calling parents of fourth-grade students! Join the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's Water Awareness Month calendar contest. If your child loves expressing themselves with crayons, markers, or colored pencils, encourage them to submit artwork highlighting how they "Love Water, Save Water." There's a chance their masterpiece could be featured in the 2025 North County Water Agencies' calendar.

Send both colored entry form pages to by April 1.

Download the entry form

Questions and answers

What are the current rules?
Why do some parts of Carlsbad have different rules?
Why is new development allowed when water is in scarce supply?
We have a desalination plant, so why do we still need to worry about conservation?
Will water rates go up because of the drought?
How does the water district enforce the rules?
How can residents report water waste?
How is the city conserving water in its own operations?

Archived News
  • Leak detection

    Water Quality Report

    This week, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District released its 2023 water quality report, which shows it is continuing to meet or exceed all state and federal drinking water standards.

    06/26/2024 4:16 PM

  • An open field near homes

    Solar farm to be explored

    At its meeting on Tuesday, April 16, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board decided to move forward with a project to explore a solar farm. The project has long been envisioned as a local renewable energy source.

    04/18/2024 12:37 PM

  • Photo of water poured into a glass

    Maintaining water supply

    Everyone knows about faucets and pipes, but there is another key piece of infrastructure that makes it possible to get water at home when you turn on the faucet.

    03/04/2024 9:08 AM

  • Sign saying

    Smart water use

    Whenever we see significant rain here in Carlsbad, it’s usually followed by someone saying, “well, we need the water.” While we do always need more water, rain falling in Carlsbad doesn’t have as significant of an effect on our long-term water reliability as you might think.

    02/23/2024 9:24 AM

  • Water utility worker

    Water utility scam alert

    The San Diego County Water Authority is warning community members about scams involving people posing as water agency “workers” to gain access to homes. These scams pop up from time to time, so it’s important to stay vigilant.

    01/17/2024 4:06 PM

  • Newsroom (39)

    Top marks for water quality

    The Carlsbad Municipal Water District is proud to release its water quality report for 2022, which shows we are continuing to meet or exceed all state and federal drinking water standards.

    07/05/2023 3:15 PM

  • Drought level update news

    Water conservation update

    The Carlsbad City Council voted Tuesday to lift some of the water restrictions that have been in effect since June 2022.

    06/14/2023 10:36 AM

  • Students at sustainability showcase

    Student sustainability showcase

    Students from Carlsbad Unified School District presented their individual and team-based projects to city staff, families and teachers, highlighting creative ways to protect our lagoons and ocean from pollution.

    05/26/2023 9:58 AM

  • Newsroom (37)

    Recent rain and the drought

    After all the rain we’ve received recently, not just in Carlsbad but throughout California, you might be wondering what it means for the ongoing drought. The short answer is: The rains have helped, but conservation is still needed.

    01/27/2023 12:49 PM

  • Water use survey news release

    Save water with new virtual program

    Carlsbad has long been a leader in water conservation, recycled water and desalination, and now a new program is available for those who want to find ways to save even more water.

    11/16/2022 5:15 PM

  • Carlsbad conserves

    Carlsbad Conserves

    Even with recent rain and more in the forecast, California remains in an historic ongoing drought. In Carlsbad, conservation will always be important and the city continues to be a regional leader in water conservation and recycled water.

    11/03/2022 12:14 PM

  • Smart irrigation month

    July is smart irrigation month

    The City of Carlsbad is encouraging residents and businesses to complete a quick irrigation tune-up during smart irrigation month to help save water, lower their water bills, prevent runoff and earn rebates.

    07/13/2022 9:45 AM

  • person drinking water

    Water quality gets top marks

    The Carlsbad Municipal Water District has released its latest water quality report, which shows we are meeting or exceeding all state and federal drinking water standards.

    07/07/2022 4:53 PM