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  • Carlsbad Green Business Program - FREE
    • Join our statewide network of like-minded businesses and save money and resources! The Carlsbad Green Business Program helps businesses implement sustainable practices, all while enhancing their bottom line. Our Program representatives facilitate the process from start to finish, making going “green” as straightforward as possible. Certified businesses receive City Council recognition and also have access to up to $500 in rebates for purchases made to meet certification measures. To get started in your free certification, go to and select “Get Certified!

Sustainability progress

Post Date:02/23/2024 4:30 PM

Staff presented the first annual progress report on the City Council’s 5-Year Strategic Plan at the Feb. 6 City Council meeting. This week, the city is sharing a deeper dive into the environmental sustainability efforts as part of the strategic plan.
This is the five-year vision for “Environmental Sustainability and the Natural Environment” from the plan:
“Thanks to the city’s strategic approach to environmental sustainability, Carlsbad is seen as a model for how to leverage partnerships and innovation to achieve climate and environmental goals. City residents and businesses feel supported in their own environmental sustainability efforts, whether it’s complying with new mandates or taking advantage of opportunities to go above and beyond. As a result, the city has met or exceeded goals for eliminating greenhouse gas emissions, reducing what goes to landfills, keeping creeks, lagoons and the ocean clean, and protecting native habitat and natural open space.”
Some of the major environmental initiatives in the strategic plan include:

  • Updating the city’s Climate Action Plan, which sets measurable goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions generated in Carlsbad. This is on track to be completed later this year.
  • Increasing citywide electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Two dozen new chargers are scheduled to be added to the Village this year.
  • Managing the city’s drainage system so pollutants don’t end up in our oceans and lagoons. We received an A rating once again last year for ocean water quality.
  • Launching the city’s first organics recycling program. Food and other natural materials decomposing in landfills are a significant cause of greenhouse gases. We now have a program to turn this organic waste into compost instead.
  • Rolling out new restrictions on single-use plastics while working with restaurants and other businesses to ease the transition to sustainable products.
  • Adding an average of 500 new trees to the city through 2026.
  • A program to limit the use of pesticides in city-maintained landscaping, including parks. 
  • Monitoring and managing the city’s habitat preserve system to meet biological standards. 

The city’s environmental efforts are some of the most highly regulated and technical work the city does. The city has a biologist and arborist on staff, as well as experts in watershed protection, hydrology and a host of other specialties. The graphic below shows a snapshot of what this work looks like in a typical year.

Learn about the city's sustainability efforts and view the year-one progress report on the strategic plan. The city's website also features links to available rebates and incentives to help residents do their part to protect the environment.

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