The City of Carlsbad’s Art in Public Places Program has been in place since 1985 and is the guiding document for permanent public art in the city. The program is administered by the city’s Cultural Arts Office and linked to the city’s Capital Improvement Program budget and plan.

The Art in Public Places Program guides the entire process, from artist selection to final installation of the artwork. One of the initial steps is the formation of a Public Art Advisory Subcommittee to select the artist for each project.

Watch meetings Past materials Past meetings

Veterans Memorial Park project

A subcommittee has been formed for the artwork to be included in Carlsbad's newest park. 

Subcommittee members
Donald Armento, Community Representative
Jen Belnap, Community Representative
Frances Carrillo, Arts Commissioner
Michael Danforth, Community Representative
Angie Ferone, Arts Commissioner
Heath Fox, Arts Professional
Jerry Paranal, Community Representative

Choosing the artist for Veterans Memorial Park
The Public Art Advisory Subcommittee selected Gordon Huether Studio to create the public art for Veterans Memorial Park. View the past meeting materials and artist submissions below.

June 12, 2024
The subcommittee met on June 12 to select the artist who will create the public art for Veterans Memorial Park. The finalists presented their qualifications and answered questions from the subcommittee.

Watch the meeting
View the agenda and staff report
Item #1 - Correspondence received by 3 p.m. 06-12-2024

Finalist artist proposals:

April 25, 2024
The city received 35 qualified artist proposals in response to a national Call for Artists Qualifications for Veterans Memorial Park. The subcommittee met on April 25 to evaluate the 35 proposals and narrowed the field to four finalists to be interviewed at a future meeting.

Watch the meeting
View the agenda and staff report
Item #1 - Correspondence received by 10 a.m. 04-25-2024

Qualified artist proposals:

How to watch

Public Art Advisory Subcommittee meetings are streamed live on the city website and can also be watched at a later date.

How to comment

If you would like to provide comments to the Public Art Advisory Subcommittee, please:

  • Fill out a speaker request form, located in the foyer.
  • Submit the form to the Clerk before the item begins.
  • When it’s your turn, the Clerk will call your name and invite you to the podium.
  • Speakers have three minutes, unless the presiding officer changes that time.
  • You may not give your time to another person, but groups can select a single speaker as long as three other members of your group are present. Group representatives have 10 minutes unless that time is changed by the presiding officer.
  • If you wish to provide written comments as part of the record, e-mail your comments to Please indicate the agenda item number in your e-mail subject line. Emails received by 3 p.m. will be provided to the Public Art Advisory Subcommittee prior to the start of the meeting. Other comments will be included with the meeting record. Emailed comments will not be read out loud during the meeting.

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